On April 29, 2006, family and friends gathered to celebrate the life
of Ray Jennings. Here you will find photos, comments, and various items that punctuated the day's events.
Special Thanks...
A celebration of Ray's life took place on Saturday, April 29, 2006 at Shell
Ridge Community Church in Walnut Creek, Ca. Irene Jennings and the entire Jennings family wish to thank all those in attendance.
Mere words are not adequate to express our deep appreciation for all the efforts on the part of those who spoke, sang and
helped with the refreshment tables.
Irene Jennings with grandson Jay Jennings. Celebration on August 29, 2006. |
"As we say goodbye to our brother Ray, we say "hello" to Cayman Elijah
Jennings. Cayman was born on Thursday, April 27 to Ray's grandson and his wife, Jay and Elsa Jennings. Jay is the son of Ray
and Irene's daughter, Rita." - Greg Ledbetter

Order of Service for the Celebration of the Life of Raymond Polson Jennings
Joy Kim: Preludes Greg Ledbetter: Pastoral Greeting Nancy Smith: Call to Worship Jim Hopkins: Prayer of Invocation Shell
Ridge Ramblers: Special Music Willis Shotwell & Co: Special Music
Family Remembrances: Daija Jennings and Beth Jennings Williams; Kenneth Jennings; Jonathan Jennings
Remembrances by Ray's Colleagues and Friends: Dianne Wisemiller Steelman; Nancy Hall for Sarah Hallstrand; Harry Williams;
Katie Choy-Wong for Paul Nagano; Doug Siden; Jim Lindgren; Paul Hardwick; Ted Sandberg; Rev. Greg Ledbetter reading for Congressman
Ron Dellums (scroll down to view the letter he sent to family and friends)
Greg Ledbetter: Closing Thoughts Kathy Lutz: Special Music Prayer of Thanksgiving: Dale Edmondson
63mb MP3 Audio File of Entire Service: Click Here to Download